Sturgeon Moon, August 22, 2021

The Rule: Collect air during each of the 24 hours in accordance with the hour assigned to each area on map

(after Yoko Ono, Take Piece).

22 Apothecary Jars, 500 ml each, Archived Air

Sturgeon moon is the final moon in my Thirteen Moon journey. I wanted a less mediated rule, one tied directly to the experience of being at the nature center in each moment.

Inspiration came from Yoko Ono.

Room Piece

Take the sound of the room breathing.
1) At dawn
2) In the morning 3) In the afternoon 4) In the evening 5) before dawn
Bottle the smell of the room of that particular hour as well.

*1963 autumn (copyright 1970)

Cynthia MacCollum Sturgeon Moon Glass bottles, air
Sturgeon Moon
Glass bottles, air

Archive of Air
Cynthia MacCollum Sturgeon Moon

Cynthia MacCollum Sturgeon Moon

Cynthia MacCollum Sturgeon Moon

Cynthia MacCollum Sturgeon Moon